Burren in Bloom Festival 2015

The Burren in Bloom Festival celebrates the arrival of the area’s beautiful and diverse wildflowers as they blossom across the magnificent Burren landscape. The festival takes place from 30th April – 18th May 2015 with a program of events highlighting the magical Burren in County Clare in Ireland in all its glory.
The festival offers a range of talks and walks that will give visitors an enhanced appreciation of the Burren with its unique ancient sites and diverse wild flowers. Visiting enthusiasts will also gain an understanding of the formation of the Burren.
The organised walks include the poetically named “Bealtaine Birds on the Dawn Chorus Walk”. Other walks available include “What lies beneath…the story of the Burren before the flowers” and “Summer Blooms – a day’s walk over the finest Burren pastures”
A series of talks will take place in a range of locations and will enthrall the listeners with topics including “The natural and cultural history of Irish Wolves” and “Archaeology and Ireland’s Great Famine: A Ballyvaughan Story”
Other events will also take place during the festival including an exhibition titled “Burren in Bloom Watercolours”
To book your Ireland trip with a visit to the spectacular Burren in County Clare or for more information please contact us at info@octireland.com
The 10th annual Burren in Bloom Festival is organised by Burrenbeo Trust and is supported by Failte Ireland. For more information on events taking place during the Burren in Bloom festival visit burreninbloom.com